My promise to you!

Are you a teacher who feels unappreciated, undervalued and tired? Well, what if I told you I had an escape route for you? 

I went through the depleting burnout that many educators have gone through. The only difference is that I developed a method to fix those feelings and provide a way out. 

There are two types of people: complainers and doers. Guess which one I am. 

Let's say you have a manuscript for a book you want to publish. You've done the research, attended free webinars and found all the “hacks” but you still don’t know what, when or how to do any of it. That’s where I come in and simplify everything for you with my one day crash course on self-publishing and marketing that saves thousands of dollars and thousands of hours of your time! 

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Hi! I'm Chanelle and I'm an elementary educator and a three-time author with loads of experience teaching both inside and outside the United States. 

I founded the groundbreaking course "From Burned Out to Fired Up!" which helps educators escape toxic work environments by implementing the T.E.A.C.H method. 

The course is based on my by best-selling book "Insubordinate: A Teacher's Guide to Working in a Hostile Environment". 

My background in education and knowledge of self-publishing has assisted many educators in finding their way out of hostile environments and onto the path of telling their own stories via publishing their books. 

My course on self-publishing simplifies the publishing process and transforms your story from a simple word document to a legacy that you can hold and build upon. 

I've been an author and coach for almost ten years and have helped teachers, authors and individuals in between regain their power in the face of adversity and publish their stories on a wide scale. 


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I lived and taught in Japan and it was one of the most transformative experiences of my life. It was here that I picked up new cultural  practices to weave into my teaching methodology in America.

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Even as a teacher, I managed to find time to pour into my goal of being a successful writer. I wrote before school, after school, and even when the kids were at gym class!

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I taught all of K-5 but the babies would have to be my favorite. There’s so much that they don’t know and I loved being the one to introduce things to them.


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I’ve helped teachers find solutions to their toxic work environments and I’ve guided aspiring and established authors on their journey through the literary world. Whether it be an author who was struggling with their manuscript or an author who couldn’t sell their books, I’ve provided the action plans and seen the results. 

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It all began with one idea: to help children recognize the power of their thoughts and how it affects their lives. First I wrote the words, then drew the pictures, and finally a product was created— a beautiful children’s book with a message for both children and their parents! 

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As a bilingual graduate of Spelman College with three published books, two courses, and a passion to help others, my work is never done! My mission is to help all those whom I am blessed to work with to evolve and grow.