Transferable Teacher Package

  • Are you a teacher who wants a new career but feels like you're being looked over for not having the right skills?

  • Tired of not being taken seriously by recruiters because of your teacher background?

  • Want employers to see that you DO have the experience needed to transition into a new career?

  • Feeling occupationally pigeon-holed?



That's where I come in! Sure, there are all kinds of resume writers online, but not only are they overpriced but they don't truly understand the unique plight of a teacher. As someone who has already successfully transitioned into a new career, I've mastered the art of strategically transforming teacher resumes into universal tickets that highlight all of our transferable skills. You can work with a resume writer or you can work with a TEACHER resume writer. Let's get started! :)

Cover Letter

Oh, did I mention you get an equally unique custom cover letter too?

A resume has to have a complimenting letter to tie everything together and I can do that with ease and efficiency. Not sure which specific job you want? No problem! Creating universal cover letters is my superpower. They are specific enough to convey the point, yet general enough to attract endless options!


Now, let's talk about LinkedIn. It's a vital platform for those looking for new career paths, but not everyone knows how to build a proper profile for optimization. Let's be honest. YouTube can only show you so much. So that's where I come in again. I am a professional LinkedIn expert who just happens to have worked with several major corporations including Proofreading Services and LandScan and built 100+ profiles for corporate clients. However, working for my fellow teachers is my favorite project! I help teachers on a regular basis by writing profiles that address our skills, emphasize our value and promote our marketability. It's easy for me, why? Because no one understands a teacher like ANOTHER teacher and it's my passion.

So if you're in need of a new and redesigned

  • Resume ($189)

  • Cover Letter ($60)

  • LinkedIn Profile ($150)


Then here are your NEXT STEPS:

  1. Click the yellow button that says “Service Package”. Send the payment ($399 total) for your service package

  2. Email your old resume, old cover letter (if you have one), prospective job options/ideas and LinkedIn credentials (username and temporary password) to

  3. Itemization is also an option. If you would like individual services, (i.e. just a resume and a cover letter which would be $249) then you may do so and the payment link will allow you to customize your payment amount according to the service you would like.

    **As an added FREE bonus for those who order the whole package, will receive my bundle of formulated email templates for work-related correspondences such as: thank you, job interview follow-up, and job acceptance. These will help you stand out even more as the right candidate!

    Note: All transactions are final and services are non-refundable due to digital nature of deliverables and labor involved. Also, files are delivered in Word format and PDF only. Nelly Loves 2 Write is not responsible for incompatibilities with software. A complimentary revision is allowed, but only within the first 30 days.

Interviewing Skills

Not quite sure how to respond to questions about why you left the teaching field? Has it been a while since you've been to a job interview and you're feeling lost?

Get the live practice you need to sound and present yourself like the professional that you are.


In this 1-hour mock interview session ($100) you will receive:

  • 1:1 live interview practice where we will go over a variety of interview questions including standard ones and curveballs that you may not expect.

  • Professional answers that are strategically tailored for your unique situation.

  • Tips on how to tactfully address bait questions and avoid pitfalls.

  • The rationale behind the wrong responses to give and explanations behind the right ones.

  • The assurance that this is not "generic interview prep" but rather, it is interview prep for TEACHERS hosted by a fellow teacher who knows and understands our unique circumstances.

  • It's a service FOR educators BY an actual educator!