For Teachers

Tired of working in a hostile environment?


Educators: I give you the blocks you need to build your way out of environments that no longer serve you.

Are you on the ledge? Don’t jump off! REGISTER NOW for my 5-week course on how to go from “Burned out to Fired Up” and let’s get your plan mapped out. 

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The Books

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This is the ultimate resource guide for educators working in hostile environments exacerbated by toxic administrators. This book includes a step-by-step blueprint with accompanying tools to help any educator navigate and survive working toxic working conditions, through unfair evaluations, loss of confidence, low morale and BURNOUT. This resource also functions as a preventative measure for teachers who are not in a hostile environment and would like to know how to AVOID it altogether. 

You NEED this bundle!

This ideal teaching kit has all the resources you will need to make this non-traditional school year one of your best years yet, regardless of what curveballs and uncertainties may show up.

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Put a Pin in That!

Teachers have stories and incidents for days to substantiate their frustration of occurrences that go on in schools. Only problem is, it's not always documented. As a teacher, documentation is your #1 friend. Not word-of-mouth, not sticky notes with frazzled thoughts, but good, solid documentation. I have created a cute, teacher-friendly journal that teachers will love to write in. Documentation may have been tedious before, but now it just became fun! Enjoy guided questions, words of wisdom, strategies and tools all organized into one journal that will look SO cute inside your teacher bag or on your desk.

From one educator to another, enjoy!